Practical way betta fish farming

6:38 AM
Betta fish is one of the ornamental fish are easily maintained. Betta fish cultivation does not require a broad and substantial capital. Can be done as a home-based business.

Betta fish (Betta sp.) Is a freshwater fish of the tropics. Many are found in the waters of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. In the wild these fish live in groups. Habitat in marshes, lakes, and rivers that the current calm.

One keistimewahan betta fish is its durability. Able to live in an environment of low oxygen water. Can be kept in small jars without using the aerator. This ability is obtained because betta fish has a cavity labyrinth like the human lung. The labyrinth can be made to survive in oxygen-poor environments.

Betta fish species

Judging from Kecamatan hobbyists are two kinds of betta fish, namely Betta and Betta fights. Betta maintained to enjoy the beauty of shapes, colors and movements. While Hickey maintained for at penalty shootout. Keep in mind, in some countries complained hickey including illegal acts.
Betta and Betta fights distinguished by the shape and nature of aggressiveness. To learn more, please see Betta betta fighting vs.

The scientific community has documented more than 73 species of betta fish on this earth. However, not all of the species popular as a pet fish. Betta fish species on the market are mostly from the group splendens complex, which consists of Betta splendens, Betta stiktos, Mahachai Betta, Betta and Betta imbellis smaragdina. As well as variants result of cross pollination of these species. See also the types of betta fish.

Choosing a Betta fish breeders

To start a betta fish farming, the first step that must be prepared is to get breeders or quality seeds. Good breeders much as possible from the superior descendants, the condition is fit, free of disease and congenital defects. Save breeding males and females separately.

Tips Hickey distinguish male and female!
Males: agile movements, fins and tail width fluffy, bright colors, larger body. Females: slower movements, fins and tail shorter, dull color, smaller body.

Before spawning is done, make sure the male and female breeders have entered the mature phase of the gonads or ready to be mated. The characteristics breeders who have demonstrated ready to marry is as follows.

For male betta:
  1. Aged at least 4-8 months
  2. Long body shape
  3. Long fins and bright attractive colors
  4. His movements were aggressive and agile

For females hickey:
  1. Aged at least 3-4 months
  2. Rounded body shape, slightly distended abdomen
  3. Short fins unattractive and dull colors
  4. His movements were slow

Betta fish spawning

After the breeding male and breeding female is ready to spawn, provide a form of container from a plastic basin or a small aquarium with a size of 20x20x20 cm. Prepare a plastic cup for a female betta fish. Provide also aquatic plants such as kayambang.
Practical way betta fish farming
Points required for spawning fish hickey

In one marriage, betta fish can produce up to 1000 eggs. The eggs will hatch within 24 hours after fertilization. Based on the experience of farmers, the mortality rate is quite high betta fish hatchery. 

In one mating normally only be harvested 30-50 betta fish live.
Male breeders can be mated up to 8 times at intervals of about 2-3 weeks. While sires mated females are advised only once. When forced, the next marriage will be a decline in the diversity of gender. Where young fish is increasingly dominated the female sex.

Here are the steps betta fish spawning:

  1. Fill the spawning place with clean water as high as 10-15 cm. Seabagai note use of groundwater or river water is crystal clear. Endapkan terelebih first water to be used at least for one night. Avoid using bottled water or tap water smells of chlorine.
  2. Add water into the container plants, as a refuge seed. But the placement of the water plants do not be too dense. Because of the potential of aquatic plants take in oxygen dissolved in the water.
  3. Enter the male betta fish that are ready to mate. Let the fish during the day in the container. Male Betta fish will create air bubbles. Useful for storing fertilized egg. To lure the male makes bubbles, insert the female betta fish but separated. The trick, female fish entered in clear plastic cups (former glass Akua) and sank into the aquarium where the fish are male.
  4. After breeding males make bubbles, insert the female broodstock. Betta fish spawning period usually occurs at about 7-10 am or 4-6 o'clock in the afternoon. Betta fish are sensitive enough when mating, should cover the container with newspaper or place in space to avoid back and forth of people and noise.
  5. After fertilization occurs immediately lift the female breeders, because responsible raising and keeping the male seed is hickey. With his mouth the male will pick up the eggs that have been fertilized and put it on the bubbles earlier. If the breeding female is not removed, then the eggs that have been fertilized will be eaten by the female.
  6. After approximately one day the eggs will be a seed. During the next 3 days seed does not need to be fed because there are nutrients that are carried in the egg. Male Betta fish will also fasted for keeping seed.
  7. After three days since the eggs hatch, give water fleas (moina or daphnia). Feeding no more than fry because the feed will contaminate the water and cause the death of the seed.
  8. The new male sires taken after a 2-week-old fry starting from the hatch. Move the seed in a larger container and provide greater water flea or mosquito larvae.
  9. After 1.5 months, the fish can already disaggregated by gender. Then separate the fish into a container enlargement.

Betta fish feed

The usual favorite feed the betta fish is water fleas, silk worms and mosquito larvae. Feed should be given as often as possible, eg, 3-4 times a day. The more often the better frequency. Better a little but often from the same time a lot. This is to reduce the risk of feed residue buildup that can lead to the development of the disease.

Water fleas can be found in stagnant ditches, or buy it from the store aquarium. If not possible, we can cultivate their own water fleas. Please see the way aquaculture water flea Daphnia and moina.

Betta fish care

As explained earlier, betta fish are relatively resilient. Can be kept in an aquarium without using the aerator. These fish are resistant to low oxygen water conditions. However, it is advisable to maintain water quality by giving aeration and filter cleaning. So that the fish can grow perfectly and always in a fit condition. Especially for the treatment of fish contest.

Advised not maintain more than one male betta fish that have been grown in an aquarium. Especially when the tank size is small and there is no shelter. These fish could be attacking each other. As a result, the fins are not smooth and the color is less out.

Special for Betta fish complaints, we could put it in a small glass jar. Based on some experience, so that more aggressive fish store in a dark place. Do not put the fish in the adjacent jars. Because the complaint Betta fish will continue in a condition ready to attack and banging himself on the glass. 
Give opaque partition between the jars.

Replace the water contained in the container periodically. See if there is a buildup of dirt and food remains on the bottom of the container. The buildup can cause illness and even death in fish because of water pollution.

By : Decorative Fish

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