10 Ornamental Fish prettiest colors and Most Beautiful in the World

10:28 AM
Here are the 10 most beautiful color of ornamental fish and beautiful in the world, ornamental fish which has a very beautiful color where there is a beautiful color combination for your aquarium fish collection. Here will share the most beautiful fish species in tropical waters that are sorted based on the level of the beauty of the fish.

Ornamental fish will describe here is a saltwater fish species that live in the sea, we all know that the fish that live in the sea water is diverse ranging from the shape and size compared to fish in fresh water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and so forth.

10 Pictures Beautiful Ornamental Fish

1. Mandarinfish

Ornamental Fish Mandarinfish

An ornamental fish is also called Mandarin dragonet with small size and brightly colored, this may be the most colorful fish in the world. Mandarinfish is derived from the Pacific from the southern Ryukyu islands to Australia.

2. Juvenile Emporer Angel Fish

Ornamental Fish Juvenile Emporer Angel Fish

Ornamental fish is very well known by divers, young fish is the most attractive with dark blue and electric blue are also white circular. While the adult fish have the color yellow stripes, black and blue around the eyes. The ornamental fish takes about 4 years to mature and grow up to 40 cm in length.

3. Lion Fish

Ornamental Fish Lion Fish

Lionfish is one of the most venomous fish in the sea floor. These fish have poisonous spines around punggungnnya useful for the defense. However, these spines are usually not too fatal to humans, but people affected by this thorn stings will experience tremendous pain, and may muntah2, headache, and shortness of breath. Apart than that these fish are beautiful fish and colorful.

4. Clown Trigger Fish

Ornamental Fish Clown Trigger Fish

Triggerfishes where there are about 40 species that are generally brightly colored. Have lines and spots, and their habitats are in coastal areas, especially coral reefs, which are found in tropical and subtropical sea around the world, to have the greatest wealth in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. Clown trigger fish have and Desai color which is amazing.

5. Nudibranch

Ornamental Fish Nudibranch

Nudibanch or that we are familiar with the sea slug. Although the snail is not the kind of fish but the creatures that lived in the sea that has the color of the most diverse on earth.

6. Symphysodon

Ornamental Fish Symphysodon

It has the color of ornamental fish in shades of green, brown, red, and blue. Height can reach 20 cm long and 25 cm.

7. Mantis Shrimp

Ornamental Fish Mantis Shrimp

The ornamental fish including species of shrimp that have a variety of colors from shades of brown neon light. Dangka ;, marine habitat in the tropics and sub-tropics who spent his life was on the rocks and holes.

8. Moorish Idol

Ornamental fish Moorish Idol

These include ornamental fish saltwater aquarium fish are very expensive. Has a contrasting black ribbons, white and yellow that make the fish look very attractive Moorish idol and become lovers of ornamental fish.

9. Clownfish

Ornamental fish Clownfish

Clownfish ornamental fish is also known as Anemonefish, in general, these fish are yellow / orange with a white stripe with black lining along the fins. These fish can grow to a length of 18 cm while the smallest length is 10 cm.

10. Rainbow Parrot Fish

Rainbow Parrot Fish Ornamental Fish

Named Rainbow parrot fish because his mouth like a bird. This ornamental fish uses its mouth to crush and eat small invertebrates that live in the reefs. In the majority of these fish species in the phase continued dull red, gray or brown bu. While the terminal phase that is green or blue with patches of yellow and bright red.

By : Decorative Fish

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