Caring for and Maintaining Ornamental Fish Koi Good

3:44 AM
Caring for and maintaining good Koi fish a must for hobbyists. Basic staple to keep in mind is an appropriate, within their water and feeding techniques.

The Koi fish pond Matches

Koi fish can be kept in the pool cement, ground pools, garden ponds. Memeliharaan koi fish in the aquarium is not recommended. Because koi need a broad and deep swimming area. In addition, koi beauty lies in the colorful back. If elegance is maintained in the tank body and the color does not look up.
Maintaining Koi

Koi pond size is recommended at least 1.5m x 2m depths of 80-50cm. If pools are too shallow, the fish bodies will be constantly in contact with sunlight. Too much sun can change the color of koi body so pale and stunted growth.

Noteworthy distance to the lip of the pool water of at least 25cm is useful to prevent koi jump to the mainland. Swimming should be equipped sewer at the bottom. At the top of an installed pipes to deliver clean water that has been deposited.

Water For Good Fish Coins

Koi Fish

Filter four layers need to be installed to maintain cleanliness and smooth supply of water. Filters are four layers

- The first filter is composed of gravel, sand, and palm fiber filter function littering rubbish and mud pools.
- The second form of carbon zeolite filter function removes toxins, odor, and kill germs.
- The third filter in the form of non-lethal pesticide-degrading bacteria that play a role in the process of water purification pond.
-Filter Fourth form of plants or rocks that can bind to dirt.

Koi Tiger

The degree of acidity (pH) of water that is suitable for the growth of koi is from 6.5 to 8.5. To maintain the water circulation pump can be installed capable of delivering as much as 25 liters of water per minute. In this way, the pool water does not need frequent cleaning, but need to clean the filter and filter tub. How, spray filters with clean water about 5-10 minutes.

When using this filter, you should do the replacement of water every two weeks. The goal is to get rid of toxic substances from the leftovers are decomposed into nitrite are harmful to fish health.

Koi Fish Feeding way

Two Koi

Feed serves to form an ideal body and brighten colors in koi fish, as well as its medium for treating sick koi fish. The type of feed given feed can be natural or artificial feed. The feed contains nutritionally balanced according to the needs of koi fish. Feed should be given twice a day, morning and evening so that the fish's nutritional needs are met.

The type of feed used to spur the growth of koi fish that ideal body is wheat germ. The feed is made of materials containing high protein such as, wheat, shrimp, fish meal and soybean meal.

Protein content of about 32%. Besides wheat germ also contains vitamins A, D, E, K, B2, B6, B12, niacin, vitamin C and other mineral elements such as calcium, choline chloride, panthetonate, trace minerals, and antioxidants.
Koi Badut

Meanwhile, the feed to brighten / sharpen the color of koi is feed containing carotene. These substances can stimulate the appearance of color in koi fish. Naturally in the body there is a substance koi carotene form of antaxanthin produce a red color, and lutein creating a yellow-green color.

Koi fish feed containing such substances carotene; carrots, algae or algae Spirullina, and Chlorella, watermelon, cabbage, cabbage and green peppers. While the animals can be given feed of crabs, crustaceans, krill, trout, salmon, water fleas, mosquito larvae, worms hair, and blood worms. according to sources.

By : Decorative Fish

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