Errors In Feeding the Koi

12:04 PM
Koi fish feeding is an exciting time in koi fish. But sometimes there are some mistakes made in providing food koi unconscious. This error sometimes to be fatal to the death of a decrease in the quality koi. Common rules in feeding the koi fish is better to feed the little amount but in a frequency that is often better than feeding with large quantities with a frequency that is rare.

The first mistake that people often do in feeding koi is Overfeeding or give food to excess. Although koi always ravenously when fed but excess food is not well digested by koi and will be discarded as impurities. This dirt will pollute the environment in addition to the pool also will create a pool filter work harder.

This excessive leftovers should be discarded from the pool as soon as possible before it decayed. Koi food that will rot produce toxins that are harmful to koi.

The second mistake is too often feeding or less. Frequency of feeding the koi fish varies depending on the temperature of the pool water. The colder the temperature of the pool water, the slower the metabolism of koi body so that the frequency of feeding should also be reduced, on the contrary if the temperature of the pool water increases the body's metabolism of koi fish also increased so that the frequency of feeding are also increasing.

The third mistake is to change the feeding with different brands abruptly. Replacing food with different brands need to be done gradually, by mixing with the old food. Mix food with the new food a little proportion, then increased until all switch to the new food. Span of approximately 7-10 days.

Certain types of foods should not be given to the koi fish and should be avoided. These foods include bird food, corn, peanuts, bread, rice and peas. Reason rice and bread could not be granted for koi food is because it expands when exposed to water. High-carbohydrate foods that will cause obesity in koi fish.

Another mistake is to provide excessive food supplements. Food supplements for a variety of koi fish, be sure to supplement according to their needs and do not overdo it. Do not give supplements that are not diperlulan.

By providing good food and right will keep us from giving the wrong food at the koi, koi remain so healthy and beautiful course.

By : Decorative Fish

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