4 This is a rare species of ornamental fish in the world

11:34 AM
Rare fish-admin information will give this time about the types of rare fish in the world. But not all the rare fish admin discussed here. Because it is very much endangered animals animals in this hemisphere. We all know that fish is a species would easily be encountered in various places in Indonesia. The types of fish in Indonesian waters are very diverse, ranging from species of freshwater fish such as in rivers, lakes, and swamps), until the sea water fish species.

If we look to the waters of Indonesia, the type of fish that exist in the Indonesian population is now declining and partly terancampunah extinct or endangered. Indonesian fish species are endangered under threat due to various factors such as land clearing, arrest without ethical and environmental damage, etc.

Well here we will give you information about 4 Rare Fish Species in the World which you can see below:

1. Pirarucu


Pirarucu or Arapaima is a fish of the genus of bonytongue derived from the Amazon and Essequibo in South America. They are namely the largest freshwater fish in South America, and among the largest freshwater fish in the world. Pirarucu can reach a length of more than 2 meters, in many cases exceptional even already found that measuring more than 2.5 meters and with weight up to 100 kg. This fish is one type of food that most sought-after fish in South America, and consequently, its a big Pirarucu more than 2 meters is very rarely found in the wild now
Pirarucu have a fundamental dependence on weather surface for breathing. With the exception of gills, the fish has a swim bladder which resembles lung tissue, in order to allow these fish to extract oxygen from the weather created. This is an adaptation to the conditions in the plains of the Amazon, but Pirarucu will rise to the surface for hawa found within 5 to 15 minutes. Propensity for staying on the surface is this which makes it more vulnerable to attack from the fishing spear.

2. Freshwater Sawfish

Freshwater Sawfish

Freshwater Sawfish is one of predatory fish and sea fish which has been adapted along freshwater. These fish live in the sea-pacifik Indonesia, is Australia, Borneo, Papua, Vietnam, India, Madagascar and East Africa. This species is known to be living deep in the sector in rivers as well as lakes and ponds. Against the rainy period (December-March), these fish can live in freshwater rivers, while the dry period (May to October), this fish would prefer to live in the estuary or bay that resembles a sea habitat.

3. Napoleon


Napoleon fish is one of the great reef fish that live on the tropical regions. The length of this fish can reach 1.5 m. and many fish were able to reach a size of up to 180 kg to the age of 50 years. Animal life is the same average along other reef fish that live in a solitary way. One of the uniqueness of this animal is the circumference of eyes that will watch the direction of the point of view of up to 180 degrees. Most of these fish swim by means of their own foraging area near the reef, which in the form of food because many categories of mollusk and crustacean absolutely not least is the area less coral. This fish has a pattern of reproduction that hermaphrodite

Generally these fish that are born males and females will be turned into a time before adulthood. Napoleon did little fish are in Anambas, Pulau Natuna Sea and the South China Sea less. These fish reef fish most expensive so that not a few were arrested by the fishermen and in exports to outside the country. The price of fish Napoleon was able to reach one million. The fishing make Napoleon fish as well as life support that promise. When this Napoleon fish has been cultivated by local residents.

4. Sand Devil

Sand Devil

Sand Devil if interpreted vicious sand, the name is quite strange is not it? And also has another name, namely the angel shark. This fish is a fish species of the family Squatinidae shark that was found at the end of the subtropical and continental slope on the western Atlantic sector sol. Somehow this fish gets a unique name, sand devil 'also' angel shark '. Which certainly two names associated morbidly together tradition of this fish. Similar is not the average shark that we know, angel shark not aggressive, and also do not attack, unless the fish is already disturbed. Its bite can cause severe injuries, because the very pointy teeth. The scientific name shark sand devil is Squatina dumeril. This fish has a few fangs in the snout. And the food he ate was small fish, crustaceans and shellfish two.

The vast world is certainly very many rare animals that humans have never found. But that is 4 Most Endangered Fish Species in the World that I can give to visitors as well. Hope it is useful.

By : Decorative Fish

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