How Fast Cultivate Fish Nile Tilapia

8:30 AM
Aquaculture Tilapia is a fish that growth and development biakannya faster than most other fish. Nilan fish can grow up to 1 kg per tail with meat tastes delicious. Tilapia is a favorite fish for fish farmers because of the relatively high resale value and at the same time rapid growth led to a shorter harvest time. Tilapia is also easy to cultivation, even fish can be cultured in a variety of ways to use the pool, floating net, or cages, in the fields, even in brackish water fish pond is able to grow and develop.

Nila Tilapia

HOW FAST cultivate fish Nile Tilapia


Tilapia can reach adulthood at the age of 4-5 months and he will achieve maximum growth to give birth to aged 1.5 - 2 months. At the time he was more than 1 year about - about weighing up to 800g and this time he could issue a 1200 to 1500 larvae each time he spawn. And can last for 6-7 times a year. Before spawning male tilapia always make a nest in the bottom waters and territory will he guard and an own territorial area. Tilapia males become aggressive this season.

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Tilapia fish eating habits

Tilapia are included in fish eating everything or Omnivore. These fish can breed with a variety of both animal and vegetable foods. Tilapia when he was a seed, feed plankton and algae, while if he is an adult he was able to be given additional food such as pellets and various other foods are taro leaves.

Things you need to know to maintain the tilapia are: growth of fish is highly dependent on the influence of physics and chemistry, and their interactions. At the time of heavy rainfall, for example the growth of a variety of aquatic plants will be reduced so that interfere with the growth of the water and indirectly interfere with the growth of tilapia. Tilapia will also be cepar growth if maintained in a shallow pool of water, because in a shallow pond plants and algae growth is faster than in a deep pool. There are others that pool at the time of manufacture using organic fertilizer or manure will also make better water plant growth and tilapia also be more rapid growth.
Male tilapia also has the advantage compared to the females. The males have a 40% faster growth compared to the females. Especially if maintained in an differentiated. Or monosex

Tilapia Hatchery

Land or pond for tilapia hatchery divided into two groups: the spawning ponds and pond. The ponds should be made with a strong dike, not porous (permeable), the height of the dike safe (at least 30 cm from the surface of the water), the water source of income guaranteed smoothness, and a spacious pool each - each 200 m2. In addition to note also the safety of pest predator fish such as water dogs, owls, cats and others, so it is recommended that in order perkolaman babas environment of high trees and shade, while sunlight was able to get into the pool.

Parent tilapia has an average weight of 300 g / head. ratio of females and males for spawning is 3: 1 with a stocking density 3 fish / m2. Shaped pellet feeding as much as 2% of the weight of biomass per day and is given three times a day. The parent fish should come from official agencies to conduct the selection and breeding of such prospective parent Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute Sukamandi, so quality is assured purity and superiority.

Parent female tilapia can be cooked eggs every 45 days. Every parent females produce larvae (newly hatched seed) at an early stage about 300 g of as much as 250-300 larvae. This number will increase until it reaches 900 larvae in accordance with the female parent weight gain (900 g). After completion of spawning in one cycle (45 days), the parent-rested and female parent is separated from the male parent

for 3-4 weeks and fed with protein content above 35%.

After two weeks of the maintenance period adaptasidi kolambiasanya-parent female parent started there were childless, generate larvae which usually remain in the care of the parent. Larvae were collected premises -larva diserok way drain wear made of fine fabrics and subsequently accommodated in Happa size of 2 x 0.9 x 0.9 m3. Collecting larvae done several times from the morning until the afternoon, and duusahakan larvae were collected one day the minimum accommodated in one Happa.

Seed Jantanisasi tilapia

To get the seeds single sex male tilapia (monoseks) then do jantanisasi process. For this purpose the necessary minimum of 24 pieces each Happa size 2 x 2 x 2 m3 were placed in a pool with an area of ​​approximately 400 m2 and a minimum of 1.5 m into the water. Into each hapa can be charged as much as 20,000-30,000 tails of fish larvae. Larvae feed in the form of flour that was mixed with 17 Alpha Methyl Testosterone hormone until the maintenance period for 17 days.

Larvae results jantanisasi process further maintained in the pond measuring 200 m2. Swimming previously had dried, mud dug, given chalk as much as 50 g / m2, and was given chicken manure fertilizer 250 g / m2. After liming and fertilization, the pool is filled slowly to a height of about 70 cm of water, flooded for 3 days, given urea and TSP respectively -masing as much as 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2. After the pond filled with water immersion 7 days, the fish seed jantanisasi process incorporated with a density of 250 fish / m2. Supplementary feeding can be done with a special form of flour feed for fish seed. Remanuring with urea and TSP done once a week and with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2 pool and administered for pisciculture.

After a 21-day maintenance period, premises fish average weight of 1.25 g (size 3-5 cm length) can be harvested. To harvest tilapia fish nets should be used eret at the beginning pengankapan. When the number of fish in the pond is expected to stay slightly was drying the water.

How To Raising Tilapia

Fish has good durability during transported if his stomach empty and the water temperature is relatively cold media. Because it will be harvested and transported if the fish should not be fed at least 1 day. Freight using plastic bags, where one-quarter and three parts water per four parts contain pure oxygen or iced block size of 20 x 20 x 20 cm3 (ice blocks are in the water with the fish seed media). A plastic bag with a volume of 20 L can be filled with fish size 5 cm maximum of 1,500 head / bag, with a long period of tolerance in bags of about 10 hours.

Enlargement of tilapia in ponds

Enterprises enlargement of tilapia in ponds with monoculture systems, has targeted production for domestic and export markets.

For enlargement tilapia in ponds, which first performed is repaired pematangnya ponds, drains and doors water. Pond bottom mud is removed, the next pond drained, so all the pests that like to disturb the fish could be wiped out. Liming is done with a dose of 50 g / m2 and fertilizing with manure 250 g / m2. Then the pond filled with water to a height of 70 cm, after three days of fertilization with urea and TSP with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2. At the beginning of the water filling cultivated salt content of about 5 ppt and could subsequently be increased submarine maintenance period to 15 ppt.

Preferably stocked seed size + 1.25 g (length 3-5 cm) with uniform size and healthy characterized by bright colors, movements agile and responsive to the feed. To harvest the target average size of 15 g / head (+ 1 month), stocking density of 20 birds / m2. As for the target crop size of 500 g / head (+ 6 months of maintenance), density of as much as 4 shrimps / m2.

During this maintenance period fish were fed an additional form of pellets as much as 3% -5% per day of biomass, and provided with a frequency of three times a day, the feed must be qualified with a minimum of 25% protein composition (Appendix 2).

At the start of the maintenance, the water level is maintained at least 70 cm, and when the maintenance period has been reached two months the water level increased, so that by four months of height maintenance cultivated up to 1.5 m.

Remanuring with manure carried out once every two months with a dose of 250 g / m2, whereas urea and TSP remanuring done every week with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2 during the maintenance period.

With a production target size of 500 g or more per cow is especially needed for the production of fillets, then the maintenance period is about six months. Harvesting is done by way of end use nets disusur seser. When perceived population already live fish in a little pond, new water ponds dried. Cultivated fish catches must be fresh and vibrant. Selainitu, tilapia for export commodities is required to be handled more carefully especially from the aspect of hygiene and appearance of the product.

For local consumption generally fish with an average size of 200 g / m2 can already be marketed in the fresh state. In the process of storage, transport and marketing can use the ice as a medium to maintain the freshness of the fish.

By : Decorative Fish

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