7 The types of freshwater fish

6:53 AM
This country has many different types of freshwater fish. According to the CTF, there are more than 1,100 species of freshwater fish that is traded globally. Of that amount, our country has 400 species. But only about 90 species are cultivated society.
Freshwater fish more easily cultivated than marine fish. The technology is simple and low cost. So much done in a home-based business. Unlike the sea water ornamental fish that require capital-intensive facilities.

Freshwater fish native to Indonesia that the star is Arowana fish and hickey. While other countries of origin of fish that can be domesticated and cultivated quite popular in Indonesia, among others, the chef, koi, discus and guppy.

The most popular type

Not all ornamental fish cultivated massively, is linked to the market share and the level of difficulty. Here are some types of freshwater fish are the most widely cultivated and traded widely in Indonesia:

1. Koi fish

Koi carp or Cyprinus carpio L was first popularized in Japan. Around the 1820s the fish penangar cherry country successfully crossed several strains of carp into fish with red and white colors are interesting. This crosses the fish known as koi. Then in the following years developing koi with a variety of other interesting color variants.
Koi fish is a freshwater fish that is suitable not maintained in an aquarium. Because the koi attraction located on the beautiful colors when viewed from above. In addition, koi fish also require extensive space. Types of freshwater fish is quite easy to be cultivated, but it is difficult to get quality koi.
To find out more details about the cultivation of koi, please read the technical guide koi fish farming.
Technical guidelines koi fish farming.

2. Fish Hickey

Betta fish or Betta sp. is one type of freshwater fish endemic countries in Southeast Asia. These fish thrive well in the swamps of the tropics. Betta fish can live in a little water volume and minimal oxygen. Hickey can be maintained in a small jar and do not need the machine producing bubbles (aerotor).
Betta fish are kept as ornamental fish and fish complaints. In addition to the color of shimmering scales and fins, these fish have an aggressive nature. Hickey could tear each other in a battle that lasted for hours.

3. Arowana

The Latin name of freshwater fish are Scleropages sp. Arowana fish is one of the endemic Indonesia. These fish are found in freshwater Kalimantan and Papua. Previously, arowana fish obtained from hunting in the wild. However, this time can be cultivated.
Arowana fish is a freshwater fish that is valuable. Price per tail millions of dollars, particularly for certain species. Arowana fish production center in Kalimantan and Sumatra.

4. Fish cooks or Goldfish

Goldfish (Carrasius auratus) was one family with goldfish. First known as ornamental fish in China. However, the popularization of goldfish is the Japanese. From this country, goldfish become increasingly varied with different colors and shapes.
Fish cooks have long entered into Indonesia and cultivated widespread. Production center of the greatest chefs in Tulungagung, East Java. This city produces more than 55 million fish annually chef. Largely intended for the domestic market, partly for export.

5. Fish guppy

Guppies (Poecilia reticulate) is a fish native to Central and South American region. These fish are very adaptable so that its spread could spread to the entire earth. Arrived in Indonesia around 1920. Currently guppy can be found easily in freshwater in Indonesia.
Guppy fish is a freshwater fish species are easily cultivated. Internally reproduce by giving birth to a child. Guppy mating by entering gondopodium organ located on the anal fin organ into the female egg.

Female fish has the ability to store sperm in her body. So they can get pregnant up to 3 times in one marriage. Distance between pregnancy lasts 1-5 weeks. A breeding female can produce about 30-100 fry in one birth.

6. Fish louhan

Fish louhan included in Cichild family and is not found in the wild. Freshwater fish is a hybrid of different cichlid fish species. Louhan first developed in Malaysia. Many people like this because of the color of fish scales and lumps on her head. Besides Malaysia, the fish was developed also in Taiwan.
Louhan fish now spread to many countries. Louhan ad has an aggressive nature, and when released into public waters can become predators of other fishes. Many of the criticisms addressed to these fish, which are considered damaging strains Cichlid fish.

7. Fish discus

Fish discus (Symphysodon discus) comes from the waters of the Amazon. Discus-called because of its shape like a disk (disc) with attractive colors. The carrying of freshwater fish is very quiet and gentle movements, so-called king of the aquarium. The biggest fish can reach a diameter of 15 cm.
Discus fit cultivated in tropical climates with water temperature 25-30oC. For maintenance in the aquarium should be a little patient, because it is easy discus fish stress.

The development of freshwater ornamental fish market
The global commodity trade of freshwater fish is much larger than the sea water ornamental fish. Its market share reached 85%. This happens because most freshwater fish can be cultivated, while sea water ornamental fish more than the catch. The more the demand for freshwater fish increasingly on the rise. Maybe because it is relatively cheaper than sea water ornamental fish.

In the decades backward, Indonesia only exports ornamental fish to Singapore. Of Singapore's fish exported to many countries. But this time, our export has penetrated 60 countries with a value of more than 50 million US dollars and an increase of about 9% per year. Indonesia has always been a major exporter of ornamental fish 5 world.

In terms of diversity there are more than 300 species of freshwater fish and sea is a mainstay exports. Normally a decent ornamental fish export selected based on six criteria, namely size, type, uniformity, its shape and color, free from disease, and adaptability.

By : Decorative Fish

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