Ornamental fish Salmon

10:36 AM
Salmon is a kind of marine fish of the family Salmonidae. Another fish that a family with salmon is a fish Trout. The difference is the live migration of salmon compared with sedentary trout. Salmon live in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

In general, salmon are anadromous species, ie species that migrate to breed. Salmon born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce. There is a belief that the salmon always go back to the same place where he was born to breed. Research suggests so, but the reason why it happens and how salmon can save memory is still a mystery.
Salmon returning to fresh water rushing waters to breed. Navigation method does the sense of smell may be done with the fish. Half of adult salmon will die within a few days to weeks after breeding.


To put the egg, the female salmon flapping its tail to create a low-pressure area to remove gravel that swept away, creating a gap for him to put the eggs. One gap can accommodate 5,000 eggs, covering an area of ​​about 2.8 m2. Egg color varies from orange to red. One or more males will approach the female salmon and eject sperm into the water to fertilize the egg. Salmon females then cover the eggs with a whisk laying on the gravel and then go somewhere else. Salmon female can do it seven times before the eggs in her ovaries out. Salmon will die of fatigue shortly after laying.

Eggs should be placed under the gravel around the water cooler with a good flow as the supply of oxygen. High mortality is common at this stage, which is largely caused by predation and changes in water conditions caused by human activities.

The young salmon in freshwater settled the place they were born, for three years before migrating to the ocean. During this period, they are silvery. It is estimated that only 10% of the number of eggs that survived reach this stage.
Red Salmon

Salmon spend over one to five years before reaching the age of sexual maturity. Adult salmon will return to the place where he was born to breed. To go into the process, several species of salmon develop fangs. They will be a dark color. Distance traveled is done so amazing salmon, they can wade the stream as far as 1,400 km and climb as high as 2,100 m from the sea to the place where they were born.
Salmon Tiger

While in freshwater and estuaries, young salmon eat insects, amphipoda, and other crustaceans. When it was great, they will eat small fish.

To produce high quality salmon farming, salmon adult female parent Preferred capable of producing about 10,000 eggs, which are fertilized and incubated in a temperature-controlled tanks of freshwater hatchery. After they hatch, the baby salmon raised in hatcheries to 18 months. At this age, young salmon then start smoltify - a natural process of physiological changes that allow them to live in salt water. Once this process is complete, smolts, fish measuring about approximately 10-12 cm long and weighs 100g, is moved from the hatchery to the floating net pens in the ocean. Over the next 18 months, smolts grow into adult salmon harvest weighing about 4.5 kg / head.

By : Decorative Fish

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