When is the right time to feed the koi fish?

12:06 PM
The food at the koi fish is generally used to stimulate growth, improve the quality of color and maintain the health of the fish. Koi fish have the metabolic functions of the body are best at temperatures above 21 degrees Celsius. Therefore apart from foods that contain the essential elements needed Koi, also need to consider the right moment to deliver the food. In giving food to the koi must be maintained and ideal balanced composition between foods intended for development and food to brighten the colors. Food growth stimulant (for development) that too much will make the color of the Koi become faded, despite the growth of the fish will be very fast. Feeding with excessive enhancher color is also not good because the growth will be hampered. Make koi become beautiful and well developed is to set the following foods diet.

Food has an important role for the growth and development of Koi fish. In addition to dietary factors other factors that affect the growth of Koi is water quality, water temperature, density of fish in the pool, spacious pool and heredity. Although koi fish can grow and increase in size as age increases, but at the ripe age of reproduction (less lebuih 2 years) growth of koi fish will experience a slowdown. At this time a larger food used for the production of eggs in females and production Koi Koi Sperm for Males.

Feeding the fish is not as simple as we imagine. There is a right time to feed water for your pet, as reported in Boldsky. To determine the most appropriate time to feed your fish and how much, let's look at the points below.

1. The fish in the wild eat whenever they are hungry, if their food source is being widely eaten
several times a day. The fish are usually ready to eat every time you feed them. They may just jump in and devoured every time you feed them. The fish are very opportunistic and they may be eaten even if they do not really need.

2. The frequency of feeding to fish depends on the type of fish you. Fish have different eating habits.

3. Fish newly hatched young or not yet fully developed. They will often need food fish.

4. Time for pet eating your water depends on the type and nature of your fish. Some fish like grazing at the bottom of the pond or aquarium and a few grazing on top. The fish you may prefer to eat at a certain place. So make sure the time. You should record the time and adapt to it. That's the best way to care for your pet.

These simple tips can help you to find the most appropriate time in feeding. Proper eating schedule may allow you to take care of your pet water in a way that is much better.

By Decorative Fish

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