Easy ways Koi Fish Culture and Success

11:03 AM
Koi fish farming that is both attention spawning techniques include spawning ponds, koi mother superior, available forage seed and intensive care.

Parent Selection Koi way


Select the parent koi mature mature sex and the body. Mature sex which already produce sperm male parent and a female parent already produce mature eggs. The body is physically mature they are ready to become productive parent.


Physical prime, is not handicapped, fins and scales complete. Graceful movements, balance, not sluggish. Minimum 2 years of age males, females at least 3 years. Females are larger than males, stomach look bigger than the back. Males conversely more slender and flat stomach when viewed from the back. Male parent fins ready to mate will appear white spots.

A female parent pairs with 2 or 3 male parent. This is no longer a male preserve that mut. By providing a stock of more than one male, spawning failures can be avoided.

Not recommended to use the most good parent, because the offspring are usually ugly. Offspring is not necessarily as good as the parent. Select koi mediocre, but still has superior properties, such as solid color. If the seed selection can later choose which one is best.

Terms pool Spawning Koi

Made a separate spawning pond with a garden pond. Spawning ponds must have entrances and exits of its own water. The entire pool should be plastered and can be dried.

Spawning ponds vary widely. For an area of ​​3-6 m2 may narrow with a depth of 0.5 m. The location is an enough sunlight, not too noisy, protected from the reach of children and pets.

Provide also an egg hatching and seed treatment. Swimming hatching, the shape can be rectangular or round. If spherical diameter of 1.5 to 2 m.

Add the pool again if there is, that pool to grow natural food supply is used to feed the seeds if the yolk has been depleted. Pool depth of about 30 cm. Wide pool between 6-10 m2, sufficient.

The walls can be covered with a vinyl pool is the usual material for making fiberglass tubs. With a vinyl coating, the pools were more assured of cleanliness and the effects of cement can be eliminated.

Koi Pond Preparation

Swimming dried in the sun, the entrance filter installed to prevent eggs that may be washed away.

Typically koi will lay eggs under the plant or any material that could be used to attach the egg. Therefore provide sufficient engaging egg so that the egg can survive koi.

Engaging members can use kakaban eggs, which are used for spawning carp. Kakaban made from fibers that held by bamboo and nailed. Good Kakaban made of palm fiber and average length, length 120 cm width 40 cm. Kakaban adjust to a large number of females, 4-6 pieces for every 1 kg of the female parent.

In order to float, kakaban arranged on a piece of bamboo that are still intact. Above kakaban given bamboo and tied so that collection kakaban not be scattered when the parent pair spawn. Before install, kakaban cleaned, washed and rinsed to be free of mud.

Kakaban installed after the pool filled with water. Water always flows into the spawning pond for koi merangasang pair to spawn. In addition to engaging eggs kakaban place could use aquatic plants such as Hydrilla prepared or piece of rope as a substitute fibers.

Koi Fish Spawning implementation
Easy ways Koi Fish Culture and Success

Parent inserted around 16.00 and will begin to spawn midnight. The mother will swim around the pool with a male parent followed behind. Increasingly, their movements more exciting. Attaching the male parent body when following the female parent. At its peak, the mother will spend the eggs with the occasional jump into the air. The female activity followed immediately by removing the male semen.

The eggs were exposed to sperm will stick to the egg engaging kakaban or other material and difficult to be separated. Also there are some eggs fall to the bottom of the pool. Marriage finished in the morning. Parent immediately separated from the egg. If terlambatm eggs can be consumed by the mother.

There are two ways to separate the parent of eggs produced. First, the parent of the spawning pond and keep the eggs hatch in the pond. The second way to move the eggs to a hatchery pond. The first way is more practical because the savings pool.

By : Decorative Fish

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