Garlic Efficacious for Koi

9:30 AM 0
Who would have thought if garlic can be a tonic to boost the body's resistance to disease koi fish. Garlic has been known as a natural antibiotic for human diseases. But it can also be used for prevention of disease in typical ornamental fish ponds. It is said that the use of garlic has been done by the growers of shrimp farms in Lampung (TROBOS, April 1, 2007).

Garlic has been known as a medicinal plant which can counteract / cure many diseases. Like tuberculosis, influenza, antidiabetic, lowers high blood pressure, treat burns, rheumatism, prevent liver toxicity, anti-cholesterol, and so on. Berkasiat even prevent cancer.

So it makes sense if garlic can also be used as a natural antibiotic for animals or fish. Ingredient or ingredients in garlic called allicin is able to effectively kill germs or bacteria. Besides, garlic also contains sativine which serves to accelerate the growth of cells and tissues.

KHV vs Garlic

One of the koi is quite deadly disease is Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). This disease is an acute and malignant and can cause mass death of fish in a relatively short time.

It turns koinya fish die from KHV disease caused by a virus. Ironically, this disease has no cure and overcome simply by preventing.

Fortunately, experiments performed at the IPB later showed that using garlic to enhance the durability of his favorite fish against KHV disease. The trick is to make the feed formula tonic for koi, by mixing garlic juice on food koi.

It turns out the tonic feed proved successful. Fish mortality is reduced, even looking healthier than ever. Water pool filled with foam as a result of the previously ailing fish slime has been cleared.

 Feed manufacture of anti-KHV

To make the manufacture of anti-KHV feed is basically quite easy. Peeled garlic, mixed with water and then blended. The resulting liquid is filtered to obtain extract and separate it from the dregs.

To measure or comparison onions with water, based on the results of research in IPB, the ideal is 50 grams / 100 ml of water to 70 g / 100 ml. If the size exceeds feared this formula does not work effectively.

After that onion juice is sprayed into fish feed then dianginkan to blend with the feed. After drying the prepared feed given to fish.

Feeding can be done 2 times a day if there have been previous affected fish. However, for the prevention of just 1 time a week. Nevertheless ideal for feeding frequency, until now not known with certainty.

Use of this feed is also able to increase the durability of fish to other diseases. Enough with low cost, antibiotics and natural tonic can be formulated easily by utilizing the white bottom. And the pet to be healthy koi fish avoid the disease.

By : Decorative Fish

10 Ornamental Fish prettiest colors and Most Beautiful in the World

10:28 AM 0
Here are the 10 most beautiful color of ornamental fish and beautiful in the world, ornamental fish which has a very beautiful color where there is a beautiful color combination for your aquarium fish collection. Here will share the most beautiful fish species in tropical waters that are sorted based on the level of the beauty of the fish.

Ornamental fish will describe here is a saltwater fish species that live in the sea, we all know that the fish that live in the sea water is diverse ranging from the shape and size compared to fish in fresh water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and so forth.

10 Pictures Beautiful Ornamental Fish

1. Mandarinfish

Ornamental Fish Mandarinfish

An ornamental fish is also called Mandarin dragonet with small size and brightly colored, this may be the most colorful fish in the world. Mandarinfish is derived from the Pacific from the southern Ryukyu islands to Australia.

2. Juvenile Emporer Angel Fish

Ornamental Fish Juvenile Emporer Angel Fish

Ornamental fish is very well known by divers, young fish is the most attractive with dark blue and electric blue are also white circular. While the adult fish have the color yellow stripes, black and blue around the eyes. The ornamental fish takes about 4 years to mature and grow up to 40 cm in length.

3. Lion Fish

Ornamental Fish Lion Fish

Lionfish is one of the most venomous fish in the sea floor. These fish have poisonous spines around punggungnnya useful for the defense. However, these spines are usually not too fatal to humans, but people affected by this thorn stings will experience tremendous pain, and may muntah2, headache, and shortness of breath. Apart than that these fish are beautiful fish and colorful.

4. Clown Trigger Fish

Ornamental Fish Clown Trigger Fish

Triggerfishes where there are about 40 species that are generally brightly colored. Have lines and spots, and their habitats are in coastal areas, especially coral reefs, which are found in tropical and subtropical sea around the world, to have the greatest wealth in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. Clown trigger fish have and Desai color which is amazing.

5. Nudibranch

Ornamental Fish Nudibranch

Nudibanch or that we are familiar with the sea slug. Although the snail is not the kind of fish but the creatures that lived in the sea that has the color of the most diverse on earth.

6. Symphysodon

Ornamental Fish Symphysodon

It has the color of ornamental fish in shades of green, brown, red, and blue. Height can reach 20 cm long and 25 cm.

7. Mantis Shrimp

Ornamental Fish Mantis Shrimp

The ornamental fish including species of shrimp that have a variety of colors from shades of brown neon light. Dangka ;, marine habitat in the tropics and sub-tropics who spent his life was on the rocks and holes.

8. Moorish Idol

Ornamental fish Moorish Idol

These include ornamental fish saltwater aquarium fish are very expensive. Has a contrasting black ribbons, white and yellow that make the fish look very attractive Moorish idol and become lovers of ornamental fish.

9. Clownfish

Ornamental fish Clownfish

Clownfish ornamental fish is also known as Anemonefish, in general, these fish are yellow / orange with a white stripe with black lining along the fins. These fish can grow to a length of 18 cm while the smallest length is 10 cm.

10. Rainbow Parrot Fish

Rainbow Parrot Fish Ornamental Fish

Named Rainbow parrot fish because his mouth like a bird. This ornamental fish uses its mouth to crush and eat small invertebrates that live in the reefs. In the majority of these fish species in the phase continued dull red, gray or brown bu. While the terminal phase that is green or blue with patches of yellow and bright red.

By : Decorative Fish

5 Beautiful Ornamental Fish Brine

10:20 AM 0
Maintaining a beautiful saltwater aquarium fish for beginners in the aquarium is not as easy as maintaining freshwater fish . Got a saltwater aquarium needed extra attention and effort more than a freshwater aquarium , such as attention to the proper PH level of water due to sea water ornamental fish can not adapt rapidly to fluctuations in water changes .

Choosing ornamental saltwater fish are more attractive because of the types of fish are more diverse , beautiful and attractive . Many fish are good for beginners with different types of fish and fish could get along well with each other. Here is a list that could be a recommendation for you to choose ornamental fish sea water and create an atmosphere of beautiful sea in your aquarium .

Ornamental fish is a fish species that berhabitat both in freshwater and at sea are kept not for consumption but to beautify the garden / living room . Underwater panorama is often assessed enchant so many people are willing menghabiskanuang much for diving and enjoy it . Now , technological advances allow people to enjoy the panoramic sea water in the room . The presence of ornamental fish in the house of modern society can be an alternative entertainment in the middle of a solid routine . This ornamental fishes kept for pleasure , therefore, shape, color , size , compatibility , and his habit of really must be considered . Almost 75% of the supply of fresh water ornamental fish in the world comes from Indonesia , and at least 363 types of freshwater fish from Indonesia have been exported to many countries in the world .

  • Ornamental Fish Blue Tangs
Ornamental Fish Blue Tangs 

  • Ornamental fish Clownfish / Clown
                                                                        Ornamental fish Clownfish / Clown
  • Ornamental fish Gobies Watchman
Ornamental fish Gobies Watchman
  • Ornamental fish Wrasses
Ornamental fish Wrasses
  •  Ornamental Fish Yellow Tangs
Ornamental Fish Yellow Tangs
Freshwater fish are ornamental fish species in freshwater habitats . Maintenance of freshwater fish in the aquarium or usually in ponds depending on the purpose of maintenance. The fish are kept for pleasure , usually placed in the aquarium while farmed fish with the aim to benefit from the cultivation is usually placed in the pool . The type of fish that are kept for pleasure usually depends on taste owners , but the fish are reared for business usually depends on the tastes of the market and prices. One of the natural feed for ornamental fish freshwater rotifers are still small , the organism is found in the brackish waters , freshwater , and marine which under normal circumstances partogenesis breed or lay eggs without mating .
By : Decorative Fish

How Fast Cultivate Fish Nile Tilapia

8:30 AM 0
Aquaculture Tilapia is a fish that growth and development biakannya faster than most other fish. Nilan fish can grow up to 1 kg per tail with meat tastes delicious. Tilapia is a favorite fish for fish farmers because of the relatively high resale value and at the same time rapid growth led to a shorter harvest time. Tilapia is also easy to cultivation, even fish can be cultured in a variety of ways to use the pool, floating net, or cages, in the fields, even in brackish water fish pond is able to grow and develop.

Nila Tilapia

HOW FAST cultivate fish Nile Tilapia


Tilapia can reach adulthood at the age of 4-5 months and he will achieve maximum growth to give birth to aged 1.5 - 2 months. At the time he was more than 1 year about - about weighing up to 800g and this time he could issue a 1200 to 1500 larvae each time he spawn. And can last for 6-7 times a year. Before spawning male tilapia always make a nest in the bottom waters and territory will he guard and an own territorial area. Tilapia males become aggressive this season.

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Tilapia fish eating habits

Tilapia are included in fish eating everything or Omnivore. These fish can breed with a variety of both animal and vegetable foods. Tilapia when he was a seed, feed plankton and algae, while if he is an adult he was able to be given additional food such as pellets and various other foods are taro leaves.

Things you need to know to maintain the tilapia are: growth of fish is highly dependent on the influence of physics and chemistry, and their interactions. At the time of heavy rainfall, for example the growth of a variety of aquatic plants will be reduced so that interfere with the growth of the water and indirectly interfere with the growth of tilapia. Tilapia will also be cepar growth if maintained in a shallow pool of water, because in a shallow pond plants and algae growth is faster than in a deep pool. There are others that pool at the time of manufacture using organic fertilizer or manure will also make better water plant growth and tilapia also be more rapid growth.
Male tilapia also has the advantage compared to the females. The males have a 40% faster growth compared to the females. Especially if maintained in an differentiated. Or monosex

Tilapia Hatchery

Land or pond for tilapia hatchery divided into two groups: the spawning ponds and pond. The ponds should be made with a strong dike, not porous (permeable), the height of the dike safe (at least 30 cm from the surface of the water), the water source of income guaranteed smoothness, and a spacious pool each - each 200 m2. In addition to note also the safety of pest predator fish such as water dogs, owls, cats and others, so it is recommended that in order perkolaman babas environment of high trees and shade, while sunlight was able to get into the pool.

Parent tilapia has an average weight of 300 g / head. ratio of females and males for spawning is 3: 1 with a stocking density 3 fish / m2. Shaped pellet feeding as much as 2% of the weight of biomass per day and is given three times a day. The parent fish should come from official agencies to conduct the selection and breeding of such prospective parent Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute Sukamandi, so quality is assured purity and superiority.

Parent female tilapia can be cooked eggs every 45 days. Every parent females produce larvae (newly hatched seed) at an early stage about 300 g of as much as 250-300 larvae. This number will increase until it reaches 900 larvae in accordance with the female parent weight gain (900 g). After completion of spawning in one cycle (45 days), the parent-rested and female parent is separated from the male parent

for 3-4 weeks and fed with protein content above 35%.

After two weeks of the maintenance period adaptasidi kolambiasanya-parent female parent started there were childless, generate larvae which usually remain in the care of the parent. Larvae were collected premises -larva diserok way drain wear made of fine fabrics and subsequently accommodated in Happa size of 2 x 0.9 x 0.9 m3. Collecting larvae done several times from the morning until the afternoon, and duusahakan larvae were collected one day the minimum accommodated in one Happa.

Seed Jantanisasi tilapia

To get the seeds single sex male tilapia (monoseks) then do jantanisasi process. For this purpose the necessary minimum of 24 pieces each Happa size 2 x 2 x 2 m3 were placed in a pool with an area of ​​approximately 400 m2 and a minimum of 1.5 m into the water. Into each hapa can be charged as much as 20,000-30,000 tails of fish larvae. Larvae feed in the form of flour that was mixed with 17 Alpha Methyl Testosterone hormone until the maintenance period for 17 days.

Larvae results jantanisasi process further maintained in the pond measuring 200 m2. Swimming previously had dried, mud dug, given chalk as much as 50 g / m2, and was given chicken manure fertilizer 250 g / m2. After liming and fertilization, the pool is filled slowly to a height of about 70 cm of water, flooded for 3 days, given urea and TSP respectively -masing as much as 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2. After the pond filled with water immersion 7 days, the fish seed jantanisasi process incorporated with a density of 250 fish / m2. Supplementary feeding can be done with a special form of flour feed for fish seed. Remanuring with urea and TSP done once a week and with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2 pool and administered for pisciculture.

After a 21-day maintenance period, premises fish average weight of 1.25 g (size 3-5 cm length) can be harvested. To harvest tilapia fish nets should be used eret at the beginning pengankapan. When the number of fish in the pond is expected to stay slightly was drying the water.

How To Raising Tilapia

Fish has good durability during transported if his stomach empty and the water temperature is relatively cold media. Because it will be harvested and transported if the fish should not be fed at least 1 day. Freight using plastic bags, where one-quarter and three parts water per four parts contain pure oxygen or iced block size of 20 x 20 x 20 cm3 (ice blocks are in the water with the fish seed media). A plastic bag with a volume of 20 L can be filled with fish size 5 cm maximum of 1,500 head / bag, with a long period of tolerance in bags of about 10 hours.

Enlargement of tilapia in ponds

Enterprises enlargement of tilapia in ponds with monoculture systems, has targeted production for domestic and export markets.

For enlargement tilapia in ponds, which first performed is repaired pematangnya ponds, drains and doors water. Pond bottom mud is removed, the next pond drained, so all the pests that like to disturb the fish could be wiped out. Liming is done with a dose of 50 g / m2 and fertilizing with manure 250 g / m2. Then the pond filled with water to a height of 70 cm, after three days of fertilization with urea and TSP with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2. At the beginning of the water filling cultivated salt content of about 5 ppt and could subsequently be increased submarine maintenance period to 15 ppt.

Preferably stocked seed size + 1.25 g (length 3-5 cm) with uniform size and healthy characterized by bright colors, movements agile and responsive to the feed. To harvest the target average size of 15 g / head (+ 1 month), stocking density of 20 birds / m2. As for the target crop size of 500 g / head (+ 6 months of maintenance), density of as much as 4 shrimps / m2.

During this maintenance period fish were fed an additional form of pellets as much as 3% -5% per day of biomass, and provided with a frequency of three times a day, the feed must be qualified with a minimum of 25% protein composition (Appendix 2).

At the start of the maintenance, the water level is maintained at least 70 cm, and when the maintenance period has been reached two months the water level increased, so that by four months of height maintenance cultivated up to 1.5 m.

Remanuring with manure carried out once every two months with a dose of 250 g / m2, whereas urea and TSP remanuring done every week with each dose of 2.5 g / m2 and 1.25 g / m2 during the maintenance period.

With a production target size of 500 g or more per cow is especially needed for the production of fillets, then the maintenance period is about six months. Harvesting is done by way of end use nets disusur seser. When perceived population already live fish in a little pond, new water ponds dried. Cultivated fish catches must be fresh and vibrant. Selainitu, tilapia for export commodities is required to be handled more carefully especially from the aspect of hygiene and appearance of the product.

For local consumption generally fish with an average size of 200 g / m2 can already be marketed in the fresh state. In the process of storage, transport and marketing can use the ice as a medium to maintain the freshness of the fish.

By : Decorative Fish

Easy ways Koi Fish Culture and Success

11:03 AM 0
Koi fish farming that is both attention spawning techniques include spawning ponds, koi mother superior, available forage seed and intensive care.

Parent Selection Koi way


Select the parent koi mature mature sex and the body. Mature sex which already produce sperm male parent and a female parent already produce mature eggs. The body is physically mature they are ready to become productive parent.


Physical prime, is not handicapped, fins and scales complete. Graceful movements, balance, not sluggish. Minimum 2 years of age males, females at least 3 years. Females are larger than males, stomach look bigger than the back. Males conversely more slender and flat stomach when viewed from the back. Male parent fins ready to mate will appear white spots.

A female parent pairs with 2 or 3 male parent. This is no longer a male preserve that mut. By providing a stock of more than one male, spawning failures can be avoided.

Not recommended to use the most good parent, because the offspring are usually ugly. Offspring is not necessarily as good as the parent. Select koi mediocre, but still has superior properties, such as solid color. If the seed selection can later choose which one is best.

Terms pool Spawning Koi

Made a separate spawning pond with a garden pond. Spawning ponds must have entrances and exits of its own water. The entire pool should be plastered and can be dried.

Spawning ponds vary widely. For an area of ​​3-6 m2 may narrow with a depth of 0.5 m. The location is an enough sunlight, not too noisy, protected from the reach of children and pets.

Provide also an egg hatching and seed treatment. Swimming hatching, the shape can be rectangular or round. If spherical diameter of 1.5 to 2 m.

Add the pool again if there is, that pool to grow natural food supply is used to feed the seeds if the yolk has been depleted. Pool depth of about 30 cm. Wide pool between 6-10 m2, sufficient.

The walls can be covered with a vinyl pool is the usual material for making fiberglass tubs. With a vinyl coating, the pools were more assured of cleanliness and the effects of cement can be eliminated.

Koi Pond Preparation

Swimming dried in the sun, the entrance filter installed to prevent eggs that may be washed away.

Typically koi will lay eggs under the plant or any material that could be used to attach the egg. Therefore provide sufficient engaging egg so that the egg can survive koi.

Engaging members can use kakaban eggs, which are used for spawning carp. Kakaban made from fibers that held by bamboo and nailed. Good Kakaban made of palm fiber and average length, length 120 cm width 40 cm. Kakaban adjust to a large number of females, 4-6 pieces for every 1 kg of the female parent.

In order to float, kakaban arranged on a piece of bamboo that are still intact. Above kakaban given bamboo and tied so that collection kakaban not be scattered when the parent pair spawn. Before install, kakaban cleaned, washed and rinsed to be free of mud.

Kakaban installed after the pool filled with water. Water always flows into the spawning pond for koi merangasang pair to spawn. In addition to engaging eggs kakaban place could use aquatic plants such as Hydrilla prepared or piece of rope as a substitute fibers.

Koi Fish Spawning implementation
Easy ways Koi Fish Culture and Success

Parent inserted around 16.00 and will begin to spawn midnight. The mother will swim around the pool with a male parent followed behind. Increasingly, their movements more exciting. Attaching the male parent body when following the female parent. At its peak, the mother will spend the eggs with the occasional jump into the air. The female activity followed immediately by removing the male semen.

The eggs were exposed to sperm will stick to the egg engaging kakaban or other material and difficult to be separated. Also there are some eggs fall to the bottom of the pool. Marriage finished in the morning. Parent immediately separated from the egg. If terlambatm eggs can be consumed by the mother.

There are two ways to separate the parent of eggs produced. First, the parent of the spawning pond and keep the eggs hatch in the pond. The second way to move the eggs to a hatchery pond. The first way is more practical because the savings pool.

By : Decorative Fish

Caring for and Maintaining Ornamental Fish Koi Good

3:44 AM 0
Caring for and maintaining good Koi fish a must for hobbyists. Basic staple to keep in mind is an appropriate, within their water and feeding techniques.

The Koi fish pond Matches

Koi fish can be kept in the pool cement, ground pools, garden ponds. Memeliharaan koi fish in the aquarium is not recommended. Because koi need a broad and deep swimming area. In addition, koi beauty lies in the colorful back. If elegance is maintained in the tank body and the color does not look up.
Maintaining Koi

Koi pond size is recommended at least 1.5m x 2m depths of 80-50cm. If pools are too shallow, the fish bodies will be constantly in contact with sunlight. Too much sun can change the color of koi body so pale and stunted growth.

Noteworthy distance to the lip of the pool water of at least 25cm is useful to prevent koi jump to the mainland. Swimming should be equipped sewer at the bottom. At the top of an installed pipes to deliver clean water that has been deposited.

Water For Good Fish Coins

Koi Fish

Filter four layers need to be installed to maintain cleanliness and smooth supply of water. Filters are four layers

- The first filter is composed of gravel, sand, and palm fiber filter function littering rubbish and mud pools.
- The second form of carbon zeolite filter function removes toxins, odor, and kill germs.
- The third filter in the form of non-lethal pesticide-degrading bacteria that play a role in the process of water purification pond.
-Filter Fourth form of plants or rocks that can bind to dirt.

Koi Tiger

The degree of acidity (pH) of water that is suitable for the growth of koi is from 6.5 to 8.5. To maintain the water circulation pump can be installed capable of delivering as much as 25 liters of water per minute. In this way, the pool water does not need frequent cleaning, but need to clean the filter and filter tub. How, spray filters with clean water about 5-10 minutes.

When using this filter, you should do the replacement of water every two weeks. The goal is to get rid of toxic substances from the leftovers are decomposed into nitrite are harmful to fish health.

Koi Fish Feeding way

Two Koi

Feed serves to form an ideal body and brighten colors in koi fish, as well as its medium for treating sick koi fish. The type of feed given feed can be natural or artificial feed. The feed contains nutritionally balanced according to the needs of koi fish. Feed should be given twice a day, morning and evening so that the fish's nutritional needs are met.

The type of feed used to spur the growth of koi fish that ideal body is wheat germ. The feed is made of materials containing high protein such as, wheat, shrimp, fish meal and soybean meal.

Protein content of about 32%. Besides wheat germ also contains vitamins A, D, E, K, B2, B6, B12, niacin, vitamin C and other mineral elements such as calcium, choline chloride, panthetonate, trace minerals, and antioxidants.
Koi Badut

Meanwhile, the feed to brighten / sharpen the color of koi is feed containing carotene. These substances can stimulate the appearance of color in koi fish. Naturally in the body there is a substance koi carotene form of antaxanthin produce a red color, and lutein creating a yellow-green color.

Koi fish feed containing such substances carotene; carrots, algae or algae Spirullina, and Chlorella, watermelon, cabbage, cabbage and green peppers. While the animals can be given feed of crabs, crustaceans, krill, trout, salmon, water fleas, mosquito larvae, worms hair, and blood worms. according to sources.

By : Decorative Fish

Ornamental fish Salmon

10:36 AM 0
Salmon is a kind of marine fish of the family Salmonidae. Another fish that a family with salmon is a fish Trout. The difference is the live migration of salmon compared with sedentary trout. Salmon live in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

In general, salmon are anadromous species, ie species that migrate to breed. Salmon born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce. There is a belief that the salmon always go back to the same place where he was born to breed. Research suggests so, but the reason why it happens and how salmon can save memory is still a mystery.
Salmon returning to fresh water rushing waters to breed. Navigation method does the sense of smell may be done with the fish. Half of adult salmon will die within a few days to weeks after breeding.


To put the egg, the female salmon flapping its tail to create a low-pressure area to remove gravel that swept away, creating a gap for him to put the eggs. One gap can accommodate 5,000 eggs, covering an area of ​​about 2.8 m2. Egg color varies from orange to red. One or more males will approach the female salmon and eject sperm into the water to fertilize the egg. Salmon females then cover the eggs with a whisk laying on the gravel and then go somewhere else. Salmon female can do it seven times before the eggs in her ovaries out. Salmon will die of fatigue shortly after laying.

Eggs should be placed under the gravel around the water cooler with a good flow as the supply of oxygen. High mortality is common at this stage, which is largely caused by predation and changes in water conditions caused by human activities.

The young salmon in freshwater settled the place they were born, for three years before migrating to the ocean. During this period, they are silvery. It is estimated that only 10% of the number of eggs that survived reach this stage.
Red Salmon

Salmon spend over one to five years before reaching the age of sexual maturity. Adult salmon will return to the place where he was born to breed. To go into the process, several species of salmon develop fangs. They will be a dark color. Distance traveled is done so amazing salmon, they can wade the stream as far as 1,400 km and climb as high as 2,100 m from the sea to the place where they were born.
Salmon Tiger

While in freshwater and estuaries, young salmon eat insects, amphipoda, and other crustaceans. When it was great, they will eat small fish.

To produce high quality salmon farming, salmon adult female parent Preferred capable of producing about 10,000 eggs, which are fertilized and incubated in a temperature-controlled tanks of freshwater hatchery. After they hatch, the baby salmon raised in hatcheries to 18 months. At this age, young salmon then start smoltify - a natural process of physiological changes that allow them to live in salt water. Once this process is complete, smolts, fish measuring about approximately 10-12 cm long and weighs 100g, is moved from the hatchery to the floating net pens in the ocean. Over the next 18 months, smolts grow into adult salmon harvest weighing about 4.5 kg / head.

By : Decorative Fish

7 The types of freshwater fish

6:53 AM 0
This country has many different types of freshwater fish. According to the CTF, there are more than 1,100 species of freshwater fish that is traded globally. Of that amount, our country has 400 species. But only about 90 species are cultivated society.
Freshwater fish more easily cultivated than marine fish. The technology is simple and low cost. So much done in a home-based business. Unlike the sea water ornamental fish that require capital-intensive facilities.

Freshwater fish native to Indonesia that the star is Arowana fish and hickey. While other countries of origin of fish that can be domesticated and cultivated quite popular in Indonesia, among others, the chef, koi, discus and guppy.

The most popular type

Not all ornamental fish cultivated massively, is linked to the market share and the level of difficulty. Here are some types of freshwater fish are the most widely cultivated and traded widely in Indonesia:

1. Koi fish

Koi carp or Cyprinus carpio L was first popularized in Japan. Around the 1820s the fish penangar cherry country successfully crossed several strains of carp into fish with red and white colors are interesting. This crosses the fish known as koi. Then in the following years developing koi with a variety of other interesting color variants.
Koi fish is a freshwater fish that is suitable not maintained in an aquarium. Because the koi attraction located on the beautiful colors when viewed from above. In addition, koi fish also require extensive space. Types of freshwater fish is quite easy to be cultivated, but it is difficult to get quality koi.
To find out more details about the cultivation of koi, please read the technical guide koi fish farming.
Technical guidelines koi fish farming.

2. Fish Hickey

Betta fish or Betta sp. is one type of freshwater fish endemic countries in Southeast Asia. These fish thrive well in the swamps of the tropics. Betta fish can live in a little water volume and minimal oxygen. Hickey can be maintained in a small jar and do not need the machine producing bubbles (aerotor).
Betta fish are kept as ornamental fish and fish complaints. In addition to the color of shimmering scales and fins, these fish have an aggressive nature. Hickey could tear each other in a battle that lasted for hours.

3. Arowana

The Latin name of freshwater fish are Scleropages sp. Arowana fish is one of the endemic Indonesia. These fish are found in freshwater Kalimantan and Papua. Previously, arowana fish obtained from hunting in the wild. However, this time can be cultivated.
Arowana fish is a freshwater fish that is valuable. Price per tail millions of dollars, particularly for certain species. Arowana fish production center in Kalimantan and Sumatra.

4. Fish cooks or Goldfish

Goldfish (Carrasius auratus) was one family with goldfish. First known as ornamental fish in China. However, the popularization of goldfish is the Japanese. From this country, goldfish become increasingly varied with different colors and shapes.
Fish cooks have long entered into Indonesia and cultivated widespread. Production center of the greatest chefs in Tulungagung, East Java. This city produces more than 55 million fish annually chef. Largely intended for the domestic market, partly for export.

5. Fish guppy

Guppies (Poecilia reticulate) is a fish native to Central and South American region. These fish are very adaptable so that its spread could spread to the entire earth. Arrived in Indonesia around 1920. Currently guppy can be found easily in freshwater in Indonesia.
Guppy fish is a freshwater fish species are easily cultivated. Internally reproduce by giving birth to a child. Guppy mating by entering gondopodium organ located on the anal fin organ into the female egg.

Female fish has the ability to store sperm in her body. So they can get pregnant up to 3 times in one marriage. Distance between pregnancy lasts 1-5 weeks. A breeding female can produce about 30-100 fry in one birth.

6. Fish louhan

Fish louhan included in Cichild family and is not found in the wild. Freshwater fish is a hybrid of different cichlid fish species. Louhan first developed in Malaysia. Many people like this because of the color of fish scales and lumps on her head. Besides Malaysia, the fish was developed also in Taiwan.
Louhan fish now spread to many countries. Louhan ad has an aggressive nature, and when released into public waters can become predators of other fishes. Many of the criticisms addressed to these fish, which are considered damaging strains Cichlid fish.

7. Fish discus

Fish discus (Symphysodon discus) comes from the waters of the Amazon. Discus-called because of its shape like a disk (disc) with attractive colors. The carrying of freshwater fish is very quiet and gentle movements, so-called king of the aquarium. The biggest fish can reach a diameter of 15 cm.
Discus fit cultivated in tropical climates with water temperature 25-30oC. For maintenance in the aquarium should be a little patient, because it is easy discus fish stress.

The development of freshwater ornamental fish market
The global commodity trade of freshwater fish is much larger than the sea water ornamental fish. Its market share reached 85%. This happens because most freshwater fish can be cultivated, while sea water ornamental fish more than the catch. The more the demand for freshwater fish increasingly on the rise. Maybe because it is relatively cheaper than sea water ornamental fish.

In the decades backward, Indonesia only exports ornamental fish to Singapore. Of Singapore's fish exported to many countries. But this time, our export has penetrated 60 countries with a value of more than 50 million US dollars and an increase of about 9% per year. Indonesia has always been a major exporter of ornamental fish 5 world.

In terms of diversity there are more than 300 species of freshwater fish and sea is a mainstay exports. Normally a decent ornamental fish export selected based on six criteria, namely size, type, uniformity, its shape and color, free from disease, and adaptability.

By : Decorative Fish