Maintenance & How Raising Tilapia fish

11:11 AM 0
Tilapia fish is a fish for consumption that live in fresh water. Characteristics flat-shaped body of black, gray, or brown. This fish is called Mujair because the first to discover this fish is Mr. Mujair in estuaries attack Blitar of East Java in 1939. Fish Mujair itself originates from African waters.

Tilapia fish growing very fast, this is certainly very good for the cultivation of tilapia fish. But as an adult growth acceleration is reduced. Mujair fish can reach 40 cm length. Mujair fish useful as animal protein supply.
If you lack the land and minimal capital, you can try fish farming Mujair with a tarp.
If using ground pool, you need to consider the location factor. The location is good for tilapia fish pond is as follows:
Tilapia fish

Good soil to make a fish pond is clay and does not pivot. Why? For this type of land can accommodate a large water and not leaking.
To facilitate irrigation pond by gravity for tilt between 3-5%.
Tilapia fish can grow normally, if the location of maintenance at an altitude between 150-1000 m above sea level.
Water must be clean, meaning there is contaminated by waste or toxins and not cloudy.
Perkambangan tilapia fish is very good if aira pool can continue to flow. Make this need in the channel and out of the water.
Good water temperature ranges between 20-25 degrees C.

Tilapia fish farming

Media preparation

In preparing this maintenance media, which needs to be done is draining the pool for a few days, then liming to combat pests and wild fish as much as 25-200 grams / square meter, given artificial fertilizer in the form of fertilizers, ie urea and TSP respectively with a dose of 50-700 grams / square meter, can also be added in the form of artificial fertilizer urea and TSP respectively with a dose of 15 grams and 10 grams / square meter.


Not only plants that need fertilizing, busisaya tilapia fish also need fertilizing. Fertilization is an aim to increase productivity and ponds, namely by stimulating the growth of natural foods as much as possible. Fertilizer commonly used is manure or green manure with a dose of 50-700 g / m².

Feed for Enlargement

If the level of Productivity and fertility to an already diminishing, then it could be given extra food with the following composition: 25% fish meal, 10% copra meal and fine bran by 65%. This ration composition used in fish farming commercially munjair.
Can also be given food in the form of pellets, which yield 20-30% protein with a dose of 2-3% of the population weight per day, given twice per day ie morning and afternoon. Besides, it is also the condition of the feed in these waters according to the dose or the existing provisions. That is in addition to the feed of the basic media also need to be given additional food in the form of pellets or crumbs crushed with a heavy dose of 10% of the population per day. Administration 2-3 times / day.
Actually feed muajir very easy. The rest of the vegetables in the kitchen, food scraps, leaves leaves etc.


Bebeasan (Notonecta)

  • Dangerous for seed because of the sting.
  • Control: pour kerosene into the water 500 cc / 100 square meters.

Ucrit (larvae cybister)

  • Clamping bodies shredded fish with fangs up.
  • Control: difficult to eradicate; Avoid organic materials accumulate around the pool.


  • Eating eggs fish eggs.
  • Control: often throw eggs float; catch and throw him alive.


  • Attacking seeds and small fish.
  • Control: do arrest; pool fencing.


  • Eating fish at night.
  • Control: berumpun trap pairs.


  • Takes a light-colored seed such as red, yellow.
  • Control: given the difficult barrier of bamboo in order to pounce; given tassel or rope barrier.

In general, things are done in order to prevent diseases and pests in tilapia fish farming:

Drying bottom of the pool on a regular basis after each harvest.
Pisciculture were completely free of disease.
Avoid excessive stocking of fish exceeds capacity.
The ideal water intake system is parallel, each pool were given a water intake door.
Feeding enough, both quality and quantity.
Handling during harvest or removal of seeds should be done carefully and correctly.
Animals such as birds, snails, fish thousand (lebistus reticulatus Peters) as carriers of the disease should not be allowed into the area perkolaman.

4 This is a rare species of ornamental fish in the world

11:34 AM 0
Rare fish-admin information will give this time about the types of rare fish in the world. But not all the rare fish admin discussed here. Because it is very much endangered animals animals in this hemisphere. We all know that fish is a species would easily be encountered in various places in Indonesia. The types of fish in Indonesian waters are very diverse, ranging from species of freshwater fish such as in rivers, lakes, and swamps), until the sea water fish species.

If we look to the waters of Indonesia, the type of fish that exist in the Indonesian population is now declining and partly terancampunah extinct or endangered. Indonesian fish species are endangered under threat due to various factors such as land clearing, arrest without ethical and environmental damage, etc.

Well here we will give you information about 4 Rare Fish Species in the World which you can see below:

1. Pirarucu


Pirarucu or Arapaima is a fish of the genus of bonytongue derived from the Amazon and Essequibo in South America. They are namely the largest freshwater fish in South America, and among the largest freshwater fish in the world. Pirarucu can reach a length of more than 2 meters, in many cases exceptional even already found that measuring more than 2.5 meters and with weight up to 100 kg. This fish is one type of food that most sought-after fish in South America, and consequently, its a big Pirarucu more than 2 meters is very rarely found in the wild now
Pirarucu have a fundamental dependence on weather surface for breathing. With the exception of gills, the fish has a swim bladder which resembles lung tissue, in order to allow these fish to extract oxygen from the weather created. This is an adaptation to the conditions in the plains of the Amazon, but Pirarucu will rise to the surface for hawa found within 5 to 15 minutes. Propensity for staying on the surface is this which makes it more vulnerable to attack from the fishing spear.

2. Freshwater Sawfish

Freshwater Sawfish

Freshwater Sawfish is one of predatory fish and sea fish which has been adapted along freshwater. These fish live in the sea-pacifik Indonesia, is Australia, Borneo, Papua, Vietnam, India, Madagascar and East Africa. This species is known to be living deep in the sector in rivers as well as lakes and ponds. Against the rainy period (December-March), these fish can live in freshwater rivers, while the dry period (May to October), this fish would prefer to live in the estuary or bay that resembles a sea habitat.

3. Napoleon


Napoleon fish is one of the great reef fish that live on the tropical regions. The length of this fish can reach 1.5 m. and many fish were able to reach a size of up to 180 kg to the age of 50 years. Animal life is the same average along other reef fish that live in a solitary way. One of the uniqueness of this animal is the circumference of eyes that will watch the direction of the point of view of up to 180 degrees. Most of these fish swim by means of their own foraging area near the reef, which in the form of food because many categories of mollusk and crustacean absolutely not least is the area less coral. This fish has a pattern of reproduction that hermaphrodite

Generally these fish that are born males and females will be turned into a time before adulthood. Napoleon did little fish are in Anambas, Pulau Natuna Sea and the South China Sea less. These fish reef fish most expensive so that not a few were arrested by the fishermen and in exports to outside the country. The price of fish Napoleon was able to reach one million. The fishing make Napoleon fish as well as life support that promise. When this Napoleon fish has been cultivated by local residents.

4. Sand Devil

Sand Devil

Sand Devil if interpreted vicious sand, the name is quite strange is not it? And also has another name, namely the angel shark. This fish is a fish species of the family Squatinidae shark that was found at the end of the subtropical and continental slope on the western Atlantic sector sol. Somehow this fish gets a unique name, sand devil 'also' angel shark '. Which certainly two names associated morbidly together tradition of this fish. Similar is not the average shark that we know, angel shark not aggressive, and also do not attack, unless the fish is already disturbed. Its bite can cause severe injuries, because the very pointy teeth. The scientific name shark sand devil is Squatina dumeril. This fish has a few fangs in the snout. And the food he ate was small fish, crustaceans and shellfish two.

The vast world is certainly very many rare animals that humans have never found. But that is 4 Most Endangered Fish Species in the World that I can give to visitors as well. Hope it is useful.

By : Decorative Fish

When is the right time to feed the koi fish?

12:06 PM 0
The food at the koi fish is generally used to stimulate growth, improve the quality of color and maintain the health of the fish. Koi fish have the metabolic functions of the body are best at temperatures above 21 degrees Celsius. Therefore apart from foods that contain the essential elements needed Koi, also need to consider the right moment to deliver the food. In giving food to the koi must be maintained and ideal balanced composition between foods intended for development and food to brighten the colors. Food growth stimulant (for development) that too much will make the color of the Koi become faded, despite the growth of the fish will be very fast. Feeding with excessive enhancher color is also not good because the growth will be hampered. Make koi become beautiful and well developed is to set the following foods diet.

Food has an important role for the growth and development of Koi fish. In addition to dietary factors other factors that affect the growth of Koi is water quality, water temperature, density of fish in the pool, spacious pool and heredity. Although koi fish can grow and increase in size as age increases, but at the ripe age of reproduction (less lebuih 2 years) growth of koi fish will experience a slowdown. At this time a larger food used for the production of eggs in females and production Koi Koi Sperm for Males.

Feeding the fish is not as simple as we imagine. There is a right time to feed water for your pet, as reported in Boldsky. To determine the most appropriate time to feed your fish and how much, let's look at the points below.

1. The fish in the wild eat whenever they are hungry, if their food source is being widely eaten
several times a day. The fish are usually ready to eat every time you feed them. They may just jump in and devoured every time you feed them. The fish are very opportunistic and they may be eaten even if they do not really need.

2. The frequency of feeding to fish depends on the type of fish you. Fish have different eating habits.

3. Fish newly hatched young or not yet fully developed. They will often need food fish.

4. Time for pet eating your water depends on the type and nature of your fish. Some fish like grazing at the bottom of the pond or aquarium and a few grazing on top. The fish you may prefer to eat at a certain place. So make sure the time. You should record the time and adapt to it. That's the best way to care for your pet.

These simple tips can help you to find the most appropriate time in feeding. Proper eating schedule may allow you to take care of your pet water in a way that is much better.

By Decorative Fish

Errors In Feeding the Koi

12:04 PM 0
Koi fish feeding is an exciting time in koi fish. But sometimes there are some mistakes made in providing food koi unconscious. This error sometimes to be fatal to the death of a decrease in the quality koi. Common rules in feeding the koi fish is better to feed the little amount but in a frequency that is often better than feeding with large quantities with a frequency that is rare.

The first mistake that people often do in feeding koi is Overfeeding or give food to excess. Although koi always ravenously when fed but excess food is not well digested by koi and will be discarded as impurities. This dirt will pollute the environment in addition to the pool also will create a pool filter work harder.

This excessive leftovers should be discarded from the pool as soon as possible before it decayed. Koi food that will rot produce toxins that are harmful to koi.

The second mistake is too often feeding or less. Frequency of feeding the koi fish varies depending on the temperature of the pool water. The colder the temperature of the pool water, the slower the metabolism of koi body so that the frequency of feeding should also be reduced, on the contrary if the temperature of the pool water increases the body's metabolism of koi fish also increased so that the frequency of feeding are also increasing.

The third mistake is to change the feeding with different brands abruptly. Replacing food with different brands need to be done gradually, by mixing with the old food. Mix food with the new food a little proportion, then increased until all switch to the new food. Span of approximately 7-10 days.

Certain types of foods should not be given to the koi fish and should be avoided. These foods include bird food, corn, peanuts, bread, rice and peas. Reason rice and bread could not be granted for koi food is because it expands when exposed to water. High-carbohydrate foods that will cause obesity in koi fish.

Another mistake is to provide excessive food supplements. Food supplements for a variety of koi fish, be sure to supplement according to their needs and do not overdo it. Do not give supplements that are not diperlulan.

By providing good food and right will keep us from giving the wrong food at the koi, koi remain so healthy and beautiful course.

By : Decorative Fish

Tips Ornamental Fish Feeding Koi

2:47 PM 0
Koi are omnivorous animals that can eat almost anything. Not only as an ornamental, maintaining koi hobby also helps maintain balance in an ecosystem because they can survive on certain algae, insects, and mosquito larvae. But feeding the koi sometimes give peace of its own. In addition, pay attention to a balanced diet koi koi healthy produce the ideal body and brilliant colors.

Feeding Foi

Two small children were feeding the Koi

Koi can be varied types of food both natural and artificial feed. Apapapun you give, make sure the appropriate requirements and contain balanced nutrition. Preserver koi often give supplements of vegetable, shrimp, worms, bread, even though citrus fruit or watermelon. There are also many processed foods in the form of pellets available in pet stores peliharan. Feed pellets must be stored in a closed place in order to keep the quality, and used within a maximum of three months in order to avoid oxidation.

There is a special feed that can be given to improve certain qualities. Growth fat and elongated, for example, can be triggered by the administration of high protein wheat germ. While food to reinforce the color of koi are substances that have a high carotene, namely vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, algae) or animal sources such as crabs and worms. Be careful in giving rice and bread, because the carbohydrate content could be the cause of obesity.

The frequency and amount of Feeding the Koi

Koi Fish

It is important to keep in mind when feeding koi, just give food to be discharged within 5 minutes (no exaggeration!). Koi do not have the stomach, and therefore can not take in significant amounts at once. But koi have a tendency overeating, which can even lead to death.

Give overeating causes many koi dirt can contaminate the pool due to undigested food, as well as a surge in levels of ammonia and nitrite. Two of these chemicals are harmful to koi because it quickly leads to stress and pain. For that direkomendsikan to feed small amounts several times a day.

Avoid changing the feed with different brands of a sudden. When the need to change his food, do it gradually, mixing old and new food until koi can adapt to his new diet.

How to feed the koi are also very dependent climate or temperature of the pool water. At low temperatures koi respiratory function and metabolism slows down as the principle of hibernation, so the frequency of feeding should be reduced.

By : Decorative Fish